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The Lantern and the Lamp Post
December 7, 2008, 11:54 am
Filed under: Some food for today | Tags: , ,

When talking to people about Christianity, a majority of the time I find that people think we follow stringent rules and if you’re a good person you’ll definitely go to heaven. But even Christians can fall into the trap of making it about the rules, the dreaded legalism word.  I find myself slipping into this thought pattern all the time but I know its about God’s grace and nothing that I have done. In Philip Yancey’s book “What’s so amazing about Grace?” there is a great analogy about this very subject. 

“A mans who professes an external law is like someone standing in the light of a lantern fixed to a post. It is a light all round him, but there is nowhere further for him to walk. A man who professes the teachings of Christ is like a man carrying a lantern before him on a long, or not so long, pole: the light in front of him, always lighting up fresh ground and always encouraging him to walk further.

In other words, the proof of spiritual maturity is not how “pure” you are but awareness of your impurity. That very awareness opens the door to grace” 

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