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Caring by the honest truth
March 8, 2009, 10:51 am
Filed under: Some food for today | Tags: , , , , ,

When we become Christians we become apart of God’s family but as it turns out we all come to the table with our differences, our own thoughts, our  brokenness, our joys, our baggage, our fears etc… Christian community should be one where we can be real and honest with each other not letting perception get in the way with sharing and caring for one another. Why doesn’t it always look this way at church or around other Christians.  We all put up walls and facades to hide the truth and it’s sad that we can’t be really honest on a deep level. I understand that to open up to someone you need rapport, you need to feel that you can trust the person you’re sharing with but how often do you not say anything out of fear of judgement, out of shame, out of “they won’t understand” attitude.

I’m not saying there aren’t pockets of people who do this but why isn’t it widespread?

We’re all broken, broken in such a way that the only way to be fixed is to have faith in Jesus.

Grace is about Jesus, about His love for us, as we strive to be more like Jesus through the sanctifying work of the Holy Spirit.

This is best done in community, which means that church as the community of the Holy Spirit is the ideal community.

Our brokenness is the result of our broken relationship with God. Our sin is the result of us wanting to be our own God, our own ruler, own our saviour. We refuse to worship God and are obsessed with ourselves, some would say self-worship.

The beauty of the gospel is that it deals with our brokenness in such a real way. It heals us from all the hurt, pain and shame that sin brings so that as we live for Christ. As we live more and more for Christ this should be evident in the grace we show to others. How hard that is but how necessary! 

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